• on 21/04/2024

CUHK Children’s Myopia Research Project Earns Top Medical Honour in China

We are thrilled to share the news that our Low-Concentration Atropine for Myopia Prevention (LAMP 2) Study has been selected as one of the China′s Important Medical Advancements in 2023 (《中國2023年度重要醫學進展》), awarded by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (中國醫學科學院). Key members of the research team are Dr Jason CS YAM, Principal Investigator of the research project, and team members Prof Clement CY THAM, Prof Calvin CP PANG, Prof Guy LJ CHEN, Dr ZHANG Xiujuan, Prof Alvin L YOUNG, Dr ZHANG Yuzhou, Prof Benjamin HK YIP, Dr TANG Fangyao, Dr Emily S WONG, Dr Christine M BUI, Dr KAM Ka Wai, Ms Mandy PS NG, Dr Simon TC KO, and Dr Wilson WK YIP.

LAMP 2 study is the first study in the world to prove that low-concentration atropine eyedrops can prevent the onset of myopia in children at risk. Results show that among children aged four to nine years without myopia, compared with placebo, nightly use of low-concentration 0.05% atropine eyedrops resulted in a significant reduction in the incidence of myopia over two years, from 53.0% to 28.4% (a relative risk reduction of 46.4%).  Details of the study have been published in the renowned medical publication The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

As explained by Prof WANG Jianwei, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) and Chief Secretary of its Academic Advisory Committee, China′s Important Medical Advancements in 2023 aims to acknowledge the noteworthy accomplishments of national scholars in 2023, which are anticipated to have a substantial and lasting impact. These accomplishments have gained international recognition or exhibit significant potential for further advancement.

The committee devised a comprehensive quantitative approach, incorporating dimensional measures and the degree of extensiveness, to establish a database encompassing over 330,000 entries. The Institute of Medical Information at CAMS then conducted quantitative calculations to identify a collection of accomplishments for inclusion in the list of China′s Important Medical Advancements in 2023. Various criteria were taken into account, including academic influence, recognition in respective fields, and the level of special attention these accomplishments received. Ultimately, 43 accomplishments were selected for recognition by the Executive Committee.

CUHK Children′s Myopia Research Team is the only team from Hong Kong to be named in the China′s Important Medical Advancements in 2023. We are deeply thankful to the funding support from our Country (National Natural Science Foundation of China), our Hong Kong Government (Innovation Technology Fund, Partnership Research Programme with Jean-Marie Pharmacal Company Limited) and the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust.

Big Congratulations to the CUHK Children′s Myopia Research Team.

Group photo featuring members of the CUHK Children′s Myopia Research Team