The JSIEC CUHK Journal Club (JC) is a platform for all academic, clinical, and research staff, as well as research students, to enhance their understanding of key papers in the literature, practice presentations and critical appraisals, and stimulate research ideas through critical appraisals of key papers in the literature.  The JC fosters a spirit of open-mindedness in its members, who learn from each other through reviews and appraisals, with the goal of fostering collaboration and achieving scientific excellence.

The presented papers:

1. All selected published papers will be milestone or most recent papers.

2. Approximately once a month a PI will be invited to present a draft manuscript for comments and suggestions so as to improve the concepts, writing style and appeals. Discussions and contributions to enhance the manuscript during JC does not affect authorship as these are intellectual exchanges. Free contributions of thoughts, comments and suggestions to scientific work are important scholarly manners and attitudes. It is up to the corresponding author of the respective manuscript whether to invite any colleague to further work that merits authorships.

Conveners: Dr Carol YL CHEUNG and Dr QIU Kunliang

Previous Journal Club

Date: 10 January 2025

CUHK papers : 

Dr Huiyi LI (JSIEC)

Au Relationship between drusen height and OCT biomarkers of atrophy in non-neovascular AMD Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2022 Oct; 63(11): 24

Dr Anne Stephanie Lam BUAN (CUHK)

Bressler Biosimilars of anti-vascular endothelial growth factor for ophthalmic diseases: A review Survey of Ophthalmology 2024 Jul-Aug; 69(4):521-538

Date: 6 September 2024

CUHK papers : 

Ms Xin Bin (JSIEC)

Qian Intercellular communication atlas reveals Oprm1 as a neuroprotective factor for retinal ganglion cells. Nature Communications. 2024 Mar; 15:2206

Ms Shuying Chen (CUHK)

A multi-cohort genome-wide association study in African ancestry individuals reveals risk loci for primary open-angle glaucoma. Cell. 2024 Jan; 187: 464-480

Date: 5 July 2024

CUHK papers : 

Ms Danye Mei (JSIEC)

Wang Clinically Significant Intraocular Lens Decentration and Tilt in Highly Myopic Eyes: A Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography Study. American Journal of Ophthalmology 2022 Mar; 235, 46–55.

Ms Danqi Fang (CUHK)

Arcadu Deep learning algorithm predicts diabetic retinopathy progression in individual patients. Npj Digital Medicine 2019 Sep; 2(92): 1-9.

Date: 10 May 2024

CUHK papers : 

Ms Shuping KE (JSIEC)

Meng NLRP3 Attenuates Intraocular Inflammation by Inhibiting AIM2-Mediated Pyroptosis Through the Phosphorylated Salt-Inducible Kinase 1/Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Transcription Factor 1 Pathway Arthritis Rheumatol 2023 May; 75(5): 842-854

Ms Jiahui LI (CUHK)

Fan Global lactylome reveals lactylation-dependent mechanisms underlying TH17 differentiation in experimental autoimmune uveitis Science Advances 2023 Oct; 9(42): 1-15

Date: 1 March 2024

CUHK papers : 


Tomita Progressive Changes in the Neuroretinal Rim and Retinal Nerve Fibre Layer in Glaucoma: Impact of Baseline Values and Floor Effects Ophthalmology 2024 Jan; 1-41

Ms ZHANG Yuqiao (CUHK)

Nishida Association Between Ganglion Cell Complex Thinning and Vision-Related Quality of Life in Glaucoma JAMA Ophthalmol 2022 Aug; 140(8): 800–806

Date: 5 January 2024

Speaker:  Prof. Jost JONAS, MD

Workshop #1 How should research questions be framed?

Date: 13 October 2023

CUHK papers : 


Xiang Changes of corneal biomechanics in children using orthokeratology and their roles in predicting axial length progression—A prospective 2-year study Acta Ophthalmologica 2023 Mar; 00(3):1-11

Ms LI Yingan (CUHK)

Hu Morphological characteristics of the optic nerve head and impacts on longitudinal change in macular choroidal thickness during myopia progression Acta Ophthalmologica 2022; 1-11

Date: 22 September 2023

CUHK papers : 


WAKABAYASHI Efficacy of Vitrectomy With Tamponade Versus No Tamponade for Myopic Traction Maculopathy: A Multicenter Study (SCHISIS Report No.1) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY 2023 Jun 254(6): 182-192

Dr. WONG Posey (CUHK)

Hattenbach BALATON and COMINO: Phase III Randomized Clinical Trials of Faricimab for Retinal Vein Occlusion: Study Design and Rationale Ophthalmology Science 2023 Sep; 3(3): 1-12

Date: 4 August 2023

Ms LIU Shuya (JSIEC)

Zhou Augmented-Dose Unilateral Recession-Resection Procedure in Acute Acquired Comitant Esotropia Ophthalmology 2023 May; 130(5):1-8

Ms CHEN Xiunian (CUHK)

Hughes Axial Elongation During Short-Term Accommodation in Myopic and Nonmyopic Children IOVS 2022 Mar; 63(3):1-9

Date: 18 August 2023

CUHK papers:

Dr WANG Wenying (JSIEC)

Major Paper

1. Browder In vivo partial reprogramming alters age-associated molecular changes during physiological aging in mice Nature Aging 2022 Mar; 2(3):243-253

Supplementary Reading

1. Ocampo In Vivo Amelioration of Age-Associated Hallmarks by Partial Reprogramming Cell 2016 Dec; 167(12):1719-1733

Mr NG Him Kwan (CUHK)

1. Yang Single-cell dissection of the obesity-exercise axis in adipose-muscle tissues implies a critical role for mesenchymal stem cells Cell Metabolism 2022 Oct; 34(10):1578-1593

Date : 7 July 2023

Speaker(s) : Dr Owen H KO (CUHK)

Workshop #2: My Journey from Medical Doctor to Scientist

Date: 21 July 2023

Mr LIU Qiankun (JSIEC)
1. Oie Clinical Trial of Autologous Cultivated Limbal Epithelial Cell Sheet Transplantation for Patients with Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency Ophthalmology 2023 Jun;130(6): 608-614

Dr CHAN Julia (CUHK)
1. Zafar Risk Factors for Repeat Keratoplasty after Endothelial Keratoplasty in the Medicare Population American Journal of Ophthalmology 2021 Jan; 221(1):287-298
2. Srikumaran Disparities in Visual Acuity Outcomes after Endothelial Keratoplasty: An Intelligent Research in Sight Registry Analysis Ophthalmology 2022 Aug; 129(8): 912-922

Date : 9 Jun 2023

Mia Yujing Liang (CUHK)

Daniszewski M, Senabouth A, Liang HH, et al. Retinal ganglion cell-specific genetic regulation in primary open-angle glaucoma. Cell Genom. 2022 Jun 8;2(6)100142.

Date : 23 Jun 2023

Mr HU Shuan (JSIEC), Mr NGUYEN Xuan Truong (CUHK)

Theme: Artificial intelligence

Date : 3 Mar 2023

Speaker(s) : Mr ZHANG Yan 张彦 (JSIEC), Ms ZHANG Yuqiao (CUHK)

CUHK papers :


1. Bowd C, Belghith A, Rezapour J, et al. Diagnostic Accuracy of Macular Thickness Map and Texture En Face Images for Detecting Glaucoma in Eyes With Axial High Myopia. Am J Ophthalmol. 2022 Oct;242:26-35.

Ms ZHANG Yuqiao (CUHK)

1. Chan PP, Zhang Y, Pang CP. Myopic tilted disc: mechanism, clinical significance, and public health implication. Front. Med. 2023. 10:1094937. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1094937

Date : 17 Mar 2023

Speaker(s) : Assistant Professor THAM Yih Chung (NUS, Singapore)

Workshop #1:

Ideation and Preparation of Manuscript: Get Started and Get Going

Date : 3 Feb 2023

Speaker(s) : Dr CHEN Wenxia (JSIEC), Dr Jake Uy SEBASTIAN (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Dr CHEN Wenxia (JSIEC)

1. Bartalena L, Kahaly GJ, Baldeschi L, Dayan CM, Eckstein A, Marcocci C, Marinò M, Vaidya B, Wiersinga WM; EUGOGO †. The 2021 European Group on Graves’ orbitopathy (EUGOGO) clinical practice guidelines for the medical management of Graves’ orbitopathy.
Eur J Endocrinol. 2021 Aug 27;185(4):G43-G67

Supplementary material:

1. Oculoplastic and Orbital Disease Group of Chinese Ophthalmological Society of Chinese Medical Association; Thyroid Group of Chinese Society of Endocrinology of Chinese Medical Association. [Chinese guideline on the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy (2022)]. Zhonghua Yan Ke Za Zhi. 2022 Sep 11;58(9):646-668. Chinese.


1. Burch HB, Perros P, Bednarczuk T, Cooper DS, Dolman PJ, Leung AM, Mombaerts I, Salvi M, Stan MN. Management of Thyroid Eye Disease: A Consensus Statement by the American Thyroid Association and the European Thyroid Association. Thyroid. 2022 Dec;32(12):1439-1470.

Supplementary material:

1. Brito JP, Nagy EV, Singh Ospina N, Zˇarković M, Dosiou C, Fichter N, Lucarelli MJ, Hegedüs L. A Survey on the Management of Thyroid Eye Disease Among American and European Thyroid Association Members. Thyroid. 2022 Dec;32(12):1535-1546.

2. Wiersinga WM. Worldwide Consensus on Thyroid Eye Disease? What Is In a Name? Thyroid. 2022 Dec;32(12):1431-1433

Date : 17 Feb 2023

Ms ZHANG Meiqin 张美琴 (JSIEC)

1. Fernandez-Godino R, Garland DL, Pierce EA. Isolation, culture and characterization of primary mouse RPE cells. nature protocols. 2016 June 9;11(7):1206-1218.


1. Liao DS, Grossi FV, Mehdi DE, et al. Complement C3 Inhibitor Pegcetacoplan for Geographic Atrophy Secondary to Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Randomized Phase 2 Trial.
Ophthalmology. 2020 Feb;127(2):196-197.

Date : 6 Jan 2023

Speaker(s) : Dr HUANG Zhijing (JSIEC), Ms TONG Yan (CUHK)

Workshop #7:

An overview of animal models in ophthalmology

CUHK papers : 

Dr HUANG Zhijing (JSIEC)

Topic: “Oxygen-Induced Retinopathy in the mouse: a model of vessel loss, vessel regrowth and pathological angiogenesis”

1. Connor KM, Krah NM, Dennison RJ, Aderman CM, Chen J, Guerin KI, Sapieha P, Stahl A, Willett KL, Smith LE. Quantification of oxygen-induced retinopathy in the mouse: a model of vessel loss, vessel regrowth and pathological angiogenesis. Nat Protoc. 2009;4(11):1565-73.


1. Yang Y, Li X, Wang J, Tan J, Fitzmaurice B, Nishina PN, Sun K, Tian W, Liu W, Liu X, Chang B, Zhu X. A missense mutation in Pitx2 leads to early-onset glaucoma via NRF2-YAP1 axis. Cell Death Dis. 2021 Oct;12:1017.

2. Guo M, Zhu Y, Shi Y, Meng X, Dong X, Zhang H, Wang X, Du M, Yan H. Inhibition of ferroptosis promotes retina ganglion cell survival in experimental optic neuropathies. Redox Biol. 2022 Dec;58:102541.

3. Yao F, Peng J, Zhang E, Ji D, Gao Z, Tang Y, Yao X, Xia X. Pathologically high intraocular pressure disturbs normal iron homeostasis and leads to retinal ganglion cell ferroptosis in glaucoma. Cell Death Differ. 2022 Aug. Online ahead of print.

Date : 23 Dec 2022

Speaker(s) : Mr SU Zhixian 苏智贤(JSIEC), Dr Dawei YANG (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Mr SU Zhixian 苏智贤 (JSIEC)

1. Cui Y, Zhu Y, Lu ES, et al. Widefield Swept-Source OCT Angiography Metrics Associated with the Development of Diabetic Vitreous Hemorrhage: A Prospective Study. Ophthalmology. . 2021 Sep;128(9):1312-1324.

Dr Dawei YANG (CUHK)

1. Tsai WS, Thottarath S, Gurudas S, et al. Characterization of the Structural and Functional Alteration in Eyes with Diabetic Macular Ischemia. Ophthalmol Retina. 2022 Aug 7:S2468-6530(22)00357-8.

2. Sivaprasad S, Sen S, Cunha-Vaz J. Perspectives of diabetic retinopathy-challenges and opportunities. Eye (Lond). 2022 Dec 9. doi: 10.1038/s41433-022-02335-5

Date : 11 Nov 2022

Speaker(s) : Dr CEN LP (JSIEC), Dr Marco YU (CUHK)

Workshop #5:

Reporting on deep learning algorithms in health care

CUHK papers : 


Topic: “Intelligent detection of multiple fundus diseases”

Dr Marco YU (CUHK)

Topic: “Reporting on deep learning algorithms for continuous/binary outcomes in health care”

1. Yu M, Tham YC, Rim TH, et al. Reporting on deep learning algorithms in health care. Lancet Digit Health. 2019 Nov;1(7):e328-e329. doi: 10.1016/S2589-7500(19)30132-3. PMID:

Date : 25 Nov 2022

Speaker(s) : Ms LI Xinxin 李昕欣 (JSIEC), Mr HU Xiaoyan (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Ms LI Xinxin 李昕欣 (JSIEC)

1. Zhu Z, Chen Y, Wang W, et al. Association of Retinal Age Gap With Arterial Stiffness and Incident Cardiovascular Disease. Stroke. 2022 Nov;53(11):3320-3328. PMID: 35880520

Supplementary material:

1. Zhu Z, Chen Y, Wang W, et al. Retinal age gap as a predictive biomarker for mortality risk. Br J Ophthalmol. 2022;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/bjophthalmol-2021-319807

Mr HU Xiaoyan (CUHK)

1. Bora A, Balasubramanian S, Babenko B, et al. Predicting the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy using deep learning. The Lancet Digital Health. 2021 Jan; 3(1):e10-e19.

Supplementary material:

1. Rigotti M, Miksovic C, Giurgiu I, et al. Attention-based Interpretability with concept Transformers. International Conference on Learning Representations. 2021.

Date : 14 Oct 2022

Speaker(s) : Mr LIU Qiankun 刘乾坤 (JSIEC), Ms ZHANG Shuyi (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Mr LIU Qiankun 刘乾坤 (JSIEC)

1. Marasini S, Dean SJ, Swift S, et al. Preclinical confirmation of UVC efficacy in treating infectious keratitis. Ocul Surf. 2022 Jul;25:76-86.


1. Babenko B, Mitani A, Traynis I, et al. Detection of signs of disease in external photographs of the eyes via deep learning. Nat Biomed Eng. 2022 Mar 29:1-14.

Date : 28 Oct 2022

Speaker(s) : Ms LI Huiping 李慧萍 (JSIEC), Dr DU Lin (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Ms LI Huiping 李慧萍 (JSIEC)

1. Shirakura K, Ishiba R, Kashio T, et al. The Robo4-TRAF7 complex suppresses endothelial hyperpermeability in inflammation. J Cell Sci. 2019, 132(1):jcs220228. Doi:10.1242/jcs.220228

Dr DU Lin (CUHK)

1. Li H, Xie L, Zhu L, et al. Multicellular immune dynamics implicate PIM1 as a potential therapeutic target for uveitis. Nat Commun. 2022 Oct; 13:5866.

Date : 2 Sep 2022

Speaker(s) : Ms WANG Wenyin王雯颖 (JSIEC), Ms CHEN Zhenji (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Ms WANG Wenyin王雯颖 (JSIEC)

1. Jumper J, Evans R, Pritzel A, et al. Highly accurate protein structure prediction with AlphaFold. Nature. 2021 Aug;596(7873):583-589.

2. Baek M, DiMaio F, Anishchenko I, et al. Accurate prediction of protein structures and interactions using a three-track neural network. Science. 2021 Aug 20;373(6557):871-876.

Ms CHEN Zhenji (CUHK)

1. Chuang Mori Y, Miyake M, Hosoda Y, et al. Genome-wide Survival Analysis for Macular Neovascularization Development in Central Serous Chorioretinopathy Revealed Shared Genetic Susceptibility with Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy. Ophthalmology. 2022 Sep;129(9):1034-1042. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2022.04.018. Epub 2022 Apr 29.

Date : 16 Sep 2022

Speaker(s) : Dr Michael NG (JSIEC), Dr Larry BAUM (CUHK)

Workshop #4:

How to write a scientific paper with good English?

CUHK papers : 

Dr Michael NG (JSIEC)

Topic:  “To write an English scientific paper – A Chinese student perspective”


Topic:  “Common language errors in writing scientific papers”

Date : 30 Sep 2022

Speaker(s) : Dr ZHOU Youming 周幼明 (JSIEC), Dr TANG Fangyao (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Dr ZHOU Youming 周幼(JSIEC)

1. Han X, Xiong R, Jin L, et al. Longitudinal Changes in Lens Thickness and Lens Power Among Persistent Non-Myopic and Myopic Children. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2022 Sep 15;63(10):10.

Dr TANG Fangyao (CUHK)

1. Li SM, Ren MY, Gan J, et al. Machine Learning to Determine Risk Factors for Myopia Progression in Primary School Children: The Anyang Childhood Eye Study. Ophthalmol Ther. 2022 Jan 21; 11:573–585.

Date : 5 Aug 2022

Speaker(s) : Dr CEN LP (JSIEC), Mr ZHANG Yuzhou (CUHK)

Workshop #3:
How to design a population-based prospective study?

CUHK papers : 


1. Skrivankova VW, Richmond RC, Woolf BAR, et al. Strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology using mendelian randomisation (STROBE-MR): explanation and elaboration. BMJ 2021 Oct 26; 375:n2233; 13-27; doi: 10.1136/bmj.n2233.

Mr ZHANG Yuzhou (CUHK)

1. Szklo M. Population-based Cohort Studies. Epidemiologic Reviews 1998 Mar 01;20(1): 81-90. doi: 10.1093/oxfordjournals.epirev.a017974.

2. Boyle MH. Guidelines for evaluating prevalence studies. Evidence-Based Mental Health NOTEBOOK 1998 May 01 19;1(2): 37-39

3. Elm EV, Altman DG, Egger M, et al. The Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement: guidelines for reporting observational studies. Lancet 2007 Oct 20; 370(9596):1453-7. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(07)61602-X.

Date : 19 Aug 2022

Speaker(s) : Ms XIANG Menglin 向梦琳 (JSIEC), Mr ZHOU Linbin (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Ms XIANG Menglin 向梦琳  (JSIEC)

1. Heckel E, Cagnone G, Agnihotri T, et al. Triglyceride-derived fatty acids reduce autophagy in a model of retinal angiomatous proliferation. JCI Insight. 2022 Mar 22;7(6):e154174.

Mr ZHOU Linbin (CUHK)

1. Chuang JZ, Yang N, Nakajima N, et al. Retinal pigment epithelium-specific CLIC4 mutant is a mouse model of dry age-related macular degeneration. Nat Commun. 2022 Jan; 13:374.

Date : 8 Jul 2022

Speaker(s) : Mr CHEN Zexiong 陈泽雄 (JSIEC), Dr Christine BUI (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Mr CHEN Zexiong 陈泽雄 (JSIEC)

1. Birch EE, Jost RM, Hudgins LA, Morale SE, Donohoe M, Kelly KR. Dichoptic and Monocular Visual Acuity in Amblyopia. Am J Ophthalmol. 2022 Jun 20:S0002-9394(22)00237-9

Dr Christine BUI (CUHK)

1. Ying Liu, Yu Han, Shizhu Chen, Jingjie Liu, Dajiang Wang, Yifei Huang. Liposome-based multifunctional nanoplatform as effective therapeutics for the treatment of retinoblastoma. Acta Pharm Sin B. 2022 Jun;12(6):2731-2739

Date : 22 Jul 2022

Speaker(s) : Ms LIN Aidi 林艾迪 (JSIEC), Dr Marten BRELEN (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Ms LIN Aidi 林艾迪 (JSIEC)

1. Birch EE, Jost RM, Hudgins LA, Morale SE, Donohoe M, Kelly KR. Dichoptic and Monocular Visual Acuity in Amblyopia. Am J Ophthalmol. 2022 Jun 20:S0002-9394(22)00237-9


1. Wykoff CC, Abreu F, Adamis AP, et al. Efficacy, durability, and safety of intravitreal faricimab with extended dosing up to every 16 weeks in patients with diabetic macular oedema (YOSEMITE and RHINE): two randomised, double-masked, phase 3 trials. Lancet 2022 Feb 19;399(10326): 741-755

2. Heier JS, Khanani AM, Ruiz CQ, et al. Efficacy, durability, and safety of intravitreal faricimab up to every 16 weeks for neovascular age-related macular degeneration (TENAYA and LUCERNE): two randomised, double-masked, phase 3, non-inferiority trials. Lancet 2022 Feb 19;399(10326): 729-740

Date : 10 Jun 2022

Speaker(s) : Ms SUN Yaru孙亚茹 (JSIEC), Ms ZHANG Yuqiao (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 


1. Wu AM, Stein JD, Shah M. Potentially Missed Opportunities in Prevention of Acute Angle-Closure Crisis. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2022 May 12:e221231.

Supplementary Reading

1. He M, Jiang Y, Huang S et al. Laser peripheral iridotomy for the prevention of angle closure: a single-centre, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2019 Apr 20;393(10181)

2. Cheung CMG, Teo KYC, Spaide RF. Pulsatile filling of dilated choroidal vessels in macular watershed zones. Retina (Philadelphia, Pa). 2021;41(11):2370-2377. doi:10.1097/IAE.0000000000003195

Ms ZHANG Yuqiao (CUHK)

1. Jammal A, Berchuck S, Mariottoni E, Tanna A, Costa V, Medeiros F. Blood Pressure and Glaucomatous Progression in a Large Clinical Population. Ophthalmology 2022 ;129(2):161-170. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2021.08.021.

Date : 24 Jun 2022

Speaker(s) : Dr QIU Kunliang (JSIEC), Dr Danny NG (CUHK)

Workshop #2:
Guidelines for reporting observational studies

Date : 13 May 2022

Speaker(s) : Ms JIANG Zehua (JSIEC), Mr William KW YUEN (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 


1. Pfau M, von der Emde L, de Sisternes L. et al. Progression of Photoreceptor Degeneration in Geographic Atrophy Secondary to Age-related Macular Degeneration. JAMA Ophthalmol . 2020 Oct 1;138(10):1026-1034. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2020.2914.

Supplementary Reading

1. Zhang G, Fu DJ, Liefers B, et al. Clinically relevant deep learning for detection and quantification of geographic atrophy from optical coherence tomography: a model development and external validation study. Lancet Digit Health . 2021 Oct;3(10):e665-e675. doi: 10.1016/S2589-7500(21)00134-5.

Mr William KW YUEN (CUHK)

1. Spaide RF, Ngo WK, Barbazetto I, Sorenson JA. Sausaging and Bulbosities of the Choroidal Veins in Central Serous Chorioretinopathy. Retina. 2022 Apr 28. doi: 10.1097/IAE.0000000000003521. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35507949.

Supplementary Reading

1. Zhang G, Fu DJ, Liefers B, et al. Clinically relevant deep learning for detection and quantification of geographic atrophy from optical coherence tomography: a model development and external validation study. Lancet Digit Health . 2021 Oct;3(10):e665-e675. doi: 10.1016/S2589-7500(21)00134-5.

2. Cheung CMG, Teo KYC, Spaide RF. Pulsatile filling of dilated choroidal vessels in macular watershed zones. Retina (Philadelphia, Pa). 2021;41(11):2370-2377. doi:10.1097/IAE.0000000000003195

Date : 27 May 2022

Speaker(s) : Ms MA Qian (JSIEC), Mr NGUYEN Xuan Truong (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Ms MA Qian (JSIEC)

1. Teo ZL, Soh ZD, Tham YC et al. Six-Year Incidence and Risk Factors for Primary Angle-Closure Disease: The Singapore Epidemiology of Eye Diseases Study. Ophthalmology . 2022 Mar 16;S0161-6420(22)00204-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2022.03.009.

Mr NGUYEN Xuan Truong (CUHK)

1. Lo J, Yu TT, Ma D, Zang P, Owen JP, Zhang Q, Wang RK, Beg MF, Lee AY, Jia Y, Sarunic MV. Federated learning for microvasculature segmentation and diabetic retinopathy classification of OCT data. Ophthalmology Science. 2021 Dec 1;4:100069.

Supplementary Reading

1. Rieke N, Hancox J, Li W, Milletarì F, Roth HR, Albarqouni S, Bakas S, Galtier MN, Landman BA, Maier-Hein K, Ourselin S, Sheller M, Summers RM, Trask A, Xu D, Baust M, Cardoso MJ. The future of digital health with federated learning. NPJ Digital Med. 2020 Sep 14;3:119.

Date : 1 Apr 2022

Speaker(s) : Dr CHEN Haoyu陈浩宇 (JSIEC), Dr Carol YL CHEUNG (CUHK)

Workshop #1:
How to create the structure and logic of a scientific paper?
How to critique a research article?

Date : 29 Apr 2022

Speaker(s) : Mr ZHENG Tiancheng郑天成(JSIEC), Mr Kenneth KH LAI (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Mr ZHENG Tiancheng郑天成(JSIEC)

1. 1. Douglas RS, Kahaly GJ, Ugradar S, Elflein H, Ponto KA, Fowler BT, Dailey R, Harris GJ, Schiffman J, Tang R, Wester S, Jain AP, Marcocci C, Marinò M, Antonelli A, Eckstein A, Führer-Sakel D, Salvi M, Sile S, Francis-Sedlak M, Holt RJ, Smith TJ. Teprotumumab Efficacy, Safety, and Durability in Longer-Duration Thyroid Eye Disease and Re-treatment: OPTIC-X Study. Ophthalmology. 2022 Apr;129(4):438-449. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2021.10.017. Epub 2021 Oct 21. PMID: 34688699.

Mr Kenneth KH LAI (CUHK)

1. 1. Sun J, Wei J, Zhang Y, Li J, Li J, Yan J, Guo M, Han J, Qiao H. Plasma Exosomes Transfer miR-885-3p Targeting the AKT/NFκB Signaling Pathway to Improve the Sensitivity of Intravenous Glucocorticoid Therapy Against Graves Ophthalmopathy. Front Immunol. 2022 Feb 21;13:819680. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.819680. PMID: 35265076; PMCID: PMC8900193.

Date : 18 Mar 2022

Speaker(s) : Ms Meiqin Zhang 张美琴(JSIEC), Dr Tony Man (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Ms Meiqin Zhang 张美琴(JSIEC)

1. Song JY, et al. Suppressing endoplasmic reticulum stress-related autophagy attenuates retinal light injury. Aging (Albany NY) 2020 Aug 28;12(16):16579-16596. doi: 10.18632/aging.103846. Epub 2020 Aug 28.

Dr Tony Man (CUHK)

1. Robson AG, et al. ISCEV Standard for full-field clinical electroretinography (2022 update).

Date : 4 Mar 2022

Speaker(s) : Dr Junwei Wang 王钧蔚 (JSIEC), Ms Wanxue Chen (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Dr Junwei Wang 王钧蔚 (JSIEC)

1. (major paper) Singh RB, Blanco T,  Mittal SK et al. Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor Enhances the Suppressive Phenotype of Regulatory T Cells in a Murine Model of Dry Eye Disease. Am J Pathol 2021 04;191(4):720-729 (major paper) Singh RB,  Blanco T,  Mittal SK et al. Pigment Epithelium-Derived Factor Enhances the Suppressive Phenotype of Regulatory T Cells in a Murine Model of Dry Eye Disease. Am J Pathol 2021 04;191(4):720-729

2. Fakih D,  Zhao Z,  Nicolle P et al. Chronic dry eye induced corneal hypersensitivity, neuroinflammatory responses, and synaptic plasticity in the mouse trigeminal brainstem.  J Neuroinflammation 2019 Dec 17;16(1):268

Ms Wanxue Chen (CUHK)

1. Park J et al, Effects of Lipiflow Treatment Prior to Cataract Surgery: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled Study, Am J Ophthalmol. 2021 Oct;230:264-275.

Supplementary Reading

1. He X et al, Optimizing the ocular surface prior to cataract surgery, Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2022 Jan 1;33(1):9-14.

2. ASCRS Cornea Clinical Committee, An algorithm for the preoperative diagnosis and treatment of ocular surface disorders, J Cataract Refract Surg. 2019 May;45(5):669-684.

Date : 18 Feb 2022

Speaker(s) : Dr Meng Wang 王萌 (JSIEC), Mr Gabriel Yang (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Dr Meng Wang 王萌 (JSIEC)

1. Zekavat SM et al. Deep Learning of the Retina Enables Phenome- and Genome-Wide Analyses of the Microvasculature. CIRCULATIONAHA.121.057709. Epub 2021 Nov 8.

Supplementary Reading

Zekavat SM et al. Deep Learning of the Retina Enables Phenome- and Genome-Wide Analyses of the Microvasculature. circ_circulationaha-2021-057709_supp1.

Mr Gabriel Yang (CUHK)

1. Gao M, Guo Y, Hormel TT, Sun J, Hwang TS, Jia Y. Reconstruction of high-resolution 6×6-mm OCT angiograms using deep learning. Biomed Opt Express. 2020 Jun 8;11(7)

Date : 21 Jan 2022

Speaker(s) : Mr Laiwen Clark Lv 呂来文(JSIEC), Dr Ruby Chan(CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Mr Laiwen Clark Lv 呂来文(JSIEC)

1. Jiang Y et al. Effect of Repeated Low-Level Red-Light Therapy in Myopia Control in Children: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Ophthalmology. 2021 Dec 1;S0161-6420(21)00916-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2021.11.023. Online ahead of print.

Dr Ruby Chan(CUHK)

1. Yang Y, Hsu N, Wang C, Shyong M, Tsai D. Prevalence Trend of Myopia after Promoting Eye Care in Preschoolers: A Serial Survey in Taiwan before and during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic. Ophthalmology. 2021 Aug 21;S0161-6420(21)00610-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2021.08.013. Online ahead of print.

2. Lee S, Lingham G, Sanfilippo P, Hammond C, Saw S, Guggenheim J, Yazar S, Mackey D. Incidence and Progression of Myopia in Early Adulthood. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2022 Jan 6. doi: 10.1001/jamaophthalmol.2021.5067. Online ahead of print.

Date : 7 Jan 2022

Speaker(s) : Dr Xin Wen 温鑫 (JSIEC), Mr William Yuen (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Dr Xin Wen 温鑫 (JSIEC)

1. Tomita Y, Cagnone G, Fu Z, et al. Vitreous metabolomics profiling of proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Diabetologia 2021;64(1):70-82

Mr William Yuen (CUHK)

1. Chhablani J, Behar-Cohen F; Central Serous Chorioretinopathy International Group. Validation of central serous chorioretinopathy multimodal imaging-based classification system. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2021 Oct 20. doi: 10.1007/s00417-021-05452-1. Epub ahead of print.

2. Arora S, Kulikov AN, Maltsev DS. Implementation of the new multimodal imaging-based classification of central serous chorioretinopathy. Eur J Ophthalmol. 2021 May 4:11206721211013651. doi: 10.1177/11206721211013651. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33947227.

Date : 10 Dec 2021

Speaker(s) : Dr Hongxi Wang 王泓熹 (JSIEC), Ms Yuqiao Zhang (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Dr Hongxi Wang 王泓熹 (JSIEC)

1. Phu J, Kalloniatis M, MScOptom. Comparison of 10-2 and 24-2C Test Grids for Identifying Central Visual Field Defects in Glaucoma and Suspect Patients. Ophthalmology. 2021. Article in press.

Further reading material

Moraes C, et al. Association of Macular Visual Field Measurements With Glaucoma Staging  Systems. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2019;137(2):139-145.

Ms Yuqiao Zhang (CUHK)

1. Baker D, et al. Ab-Externo Microshunt versus Trabeculectomy in Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma – One0year Results from a 2_year Randomized, Multicenter Study. Ophthalmology. 2021 Dec;128(12):1710-1721. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2021.05.023. Epub 2021 May 27.

Date : 26 Nov 2021

Speaker(s) : Ms Rucui Yang杨入翠 (JSIEC), Mr Linbin Zhou (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Ms Rucui Yang杨入翠 (JSIEC)

1. Chen S, Chen X,  Luo Q et al. Retinoblastoma cell-derived exosomes promote angiogenesis of human vesicle endothelial cells through microRNA-92a-3p.Cell Death Dis 2021 Jul 13;12(7).

Mr Linbin Zhou (CUHK)

1. Tomita T, Huibregtse JM, Matouschek A. A masked initiation region in retinoblastoma protein regulates its proteasomal degradation. Nat Commun. 2020 Apr; 11:2019.

Date : 12 Nov 2021

Speaker(s) : Ms Wen Chen陈雯 (JSIEC), Dr Kenneth Lai (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Ms Wen Chen陈雯(JSIEC)

1. Wei Gu, Andreas M Rauschecker, Elaine Hsu, et al. Detection of Neoplasms by Metagenomic Next-Generation Sequencing of Cerebrospinal Fluid. JAMA Neurol . 2021 Sep 13;e213088. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2021.3088.

Dr Kenneth Lai (CUHK)

1. Hu T, Chitnis N, Monos D, Dinh A. Next-generation sequencing technologies: An overview. Hum Immunol. 2021 Nov;82(11):801-811.

2. Palmer EE, Sachdev R, Macintosh R, et al. Diagnostic Yield of Whole Genome Sequencing After Nondiagnostic Exome Sequencing or Gene Panel in Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies. Neurology 2021 Mar 30;96(13):e1770-e1782.

Date : 29 Oct 2021

Speaker(s) : Ms Chengyao Guo 郭成瑶 (JSIEC), Ms Yuyao Wang (CUHK)

CUHK papers :

Ms Chengyao Guo 郭成瑶 (JSIEC)
1. Han X, Liu T, Ding X, Liu J, Lin X, Wang D, Riaz M, Baird PN, Xie Z, Cheng Y, Li Y, Mori Y, Miyake M, Li H, Cheng CY, Zeng C, Ohno-Matsui K, Zhou X, Liu F, He M. Identification of novel loci influencing refractive error in East Asian populations using an extreme phenotype design. J Genet Genomics. 2021 Sep 11:S1673-8527(21)00283-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jgg.2021.08.011. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34520856.

2. Haarman AEG, Enthoven CA, Tedja MS, Polling JR, Tideman JWL, Keunen JEE, Boon CJF, Felix JF, Raat H, Geerards AJM, Luyten GPM, van Rijn GA, Verhoeven VJM, Klaver CCW. Phenotypic Consequences of the GJD2 Risk Genotype in Myopia Development. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2021 Aug 2;62(10):16. doi: 10.1167/iovs.62.10.16. PMID: 34406332; PMCID: PMC8375003.

Ms Yuyao Wang (CUHK)
1. Mingguang He, Fan Xiang, Yangfa Zeng, Jincheng Mai, Qianyun Chen, Jian Zhang, Wayne Smith, Kathryn Rose, Ian G. Morgan. Effect of Time Spent Outdoors at School on the Development of Myopia Among Children in China: A Randomized Clinical Trial JAMA, 2015;314(11):1142-1148. doi:10.1001/jama.2015.10803

2. Pei-Chang Wu, Chueh-Tan Chen, Ken-Kuo Lin, Chi-Chin Sun, Chien-Neng Kuo, Hsiu-Mei Huang, Yi-Chieh Poon, Meng-Ling Yang, Chau-Yin Chen, Jou-Chen Huang, Pei-Chen Wu, I-Hui Yang, Hun-Ju Yu, Po-Chiung Fang, Chia-Ling Tsai, Shu-Ti Chiou, Yi-Hsin Yang. Myopia Prevention and Outdoor Light Intensity in a School-Based Cluster Randomized Trial. Ophthalmology 2018 Aug;125(8):1239-1250. doi: 10.1016/j.ophtha.2017.12.011. Epub 2018 Jan 19.

Date : 15 Oct 2021

Speaker(s) : Ms Liu Jing 敬柳 (JSIEC), Dr Emma Ran (CUHK)

Ms Liu Jing 敬柳 (JSIEC)
1. Pazos M, Biarnés M, Blasco-Alberto A et al. SD-OCT peripapillary nerve fibre layer and ganglion cell complex parameters in glaucoma: principal component analysis. Br J Ophthalmol 2021 04;105(4)

2. Baek SU, Kim KE, Kim YK et al. Development of Topographic Scoring System for Identifying Glaucoma in Myopic Eyes: A Spectral-Domain OCT Study. Ophthalmology 2018 11;125(11)

Dr Emma Ran (CUHK)
1. Xiong J, et al. Multimodal Machine Learning Using Visual Fields and Peripapillary Circular OCT Scans in Detection of Glaucomatous Optic Neuropathy. Ophthalmology. 2021 Jul 30:S0161-6420(21)00565-0.

2. Lee T, et al. Predicting Glaucoma Development With Longitudinal Deep Learning Predictions From Fundus Photographs. Am J Ophthalmol. 2021;225:86-94.

Supplementary reading
3. Lazaridis G, et al. Imaging Outcomes in Clinical Trials of Treatments for Glaucoma. Ophthalmology. 2021 Aug;128(8):1240-1242.

Date : 24 Sep 2021

Speaker(s) : Ms Yunxuan Ou 欧云旋 (JSIEC), Ms Xulin Liao (CUHK)

CUHK papers :

Ms Yunxuan Ou 欧云旋 (JSIEC)
1. .Jun I, Kang DSY, Reinstein DZ, Arba-Mosquera S, Archer TJ, Seo KY, Kim TI. Clinical Outcomes of SMILE With a Triple Centration Technique and Corneal Wavefront-Guided Transepithelial PRK in High Astigmatism. J Refract Surg. 2018 Mar 1;34(3):156-163.(Major paper)

2. Yang X, Liu Q, Lin H, Xie Y, Feng Q. Long-term Vector Outcomes of SMILE in Correcting Moderate to High With-the-Rule Astigmatism Under Astigmatism Axis Marked Condition. J Refract Surg. 2020 Sep 1;36(9):585-591.

Ms Xulin Liao (CUHK)
1. Yu-Chi Liu, Angel Se Ji Jung, Jia Ying Chin, Lily Wei Yun Yang, Jodhbir S Mehta. Cross-sectional Study on Corneal Denervation in Contralateral Eyes Following SMILE Versus LASIK. J Refract Surg. 2020 Oct 1;36(10):653-660.

2. Alberto Recchioni, Irene Sisó-Fuertes, Andreas Hartwig, Amir Hamid, Alex John Shortt, Robert Morris, Sundeep Vaswani, Jay Dermott, Alejandro Cerviño, James Stuart Wolffsohn, Clare O’Donnell. Short-Term Impact of FS-LASIK and SMILE on Dry Eye Metrics and Corneal Nerve Morphology. Cornea. 2020 Jul;39(7):851-857.

Date : 27 Aug 2021

Speaker(s) : Dr Zhenmao Wang王振茂(JSIEC), Ms Yolanda Wong Ying Yip, Mr Tony Tsz Chun Man (CUHK)

CUHK papers :

Dr Zhenmao Wang王振茂(JSIEC)
1. Keenan T, et al. Retinal specialist versus artificial intelligence detection of retinal fluid from optical. Ophthalmology. 2020 Jun 18

Ms Yolanda Wong Ying Yip (CUHK)
1. Yip Y, et al. Improving the quality of electroretinogram recordings using active electrodes. Exp Eye Res. 2018 Nov;176:46-52. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2018.06.007. Epub 2018 Jun 14.

Mr Tony Tsz Chun Man (CUHK)
1. Man T, et al. Evaluation of Electrical Performance and Properties of Electroretinography Electrodes. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2020 Jun 30;9(7):45. doi: 10.1167/tvst.9.7.45. eCollection 2020 Jun.

Date : 13 Aug 2021

Speaker(s) : Ms Yao Yao 姚瑶(JSIEC), Ms Bo Man Ho (CUHK)

CUHK papers :

Ms Yao Yao 姚瑶(JSIEC)
1. Guo X, Zhou J, Starr C, Mohns EJ, Li Y, Chen EP, Yoon Y, Kellner CP, Tanaka K, Wang H, Liu W, Pasquale LR, Demb JB, Crair MC, Chen B. Preservation of vision after CaMKII-mediated protection of retinal ganglion cells. Cell. 2021 Jul 14:S0092-8674(21)00799-6. doi: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.06.031. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34297923.

Ms Bo Man Ho (CUHK)
1. Lindborg J et al. Optic nerve regeneration screen identifies multiple genes restricting adult neural repair. Cell Reports. 2021 Mar 2;34(9):108777. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2021.108777. PMID 33657370.

2. Wang Y et al. MicroRNA-93/STAT3 signalling pathway mediates retinal microglial activation and protects retinal ganglion cells in an acute ocular hypertension model. Cell Death & Disease. 2021 Jan 4;12(1):41. doi: 10.1038/s41419-020-03337-5. PMID 33414426.

Date : 2 Jul 2021 

Speaker(s) : Ms Shiqi Yao 尧诗琦 (JSIEC), Dr Emma Ran  (CUHK) 

CUHK papers :  

Ms Shiqi Yao 尧诗琦 (JSIEC) 

  1.  Zhang K, Liu X, Xu J, Yuan J, Cai W, Chen T, Wang K, Gao Y, Nie S, Xu X, Qin X, Su Y, Xu W, Olvera A, Xue K, Li Z, Zhang M, Zeng X, Zhang CL, Li O, Zhang EE, Zhu J, Xu Y, Kermany D, Zhou K, Pan Y, Li S, Lai IF, Chi Y, Wang C, Pei M, Zang G, Zhang Q, Lau J, Lam D, Zou X, Wumaier A, Wang J, Shen Y, Hou FF, Zhang P, Xu T, Zhou Y, Wang G. Deep-learning models for the detection and incidence prediction of chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes from retinal fundus images. Nat Biomed Eng. 2021 Jun;5(6):533-545 (With Supplementary Information) 
  2. Rim TH, Lee G, Kim Y, Tham YC, Lee CJ, Baik SJ, Kim YA, Yu M, Deshmukh M, Lee BK, Park S, Kim HC, Sabayanagam C, Ting DSW, Wang YX, Jonas JB, Kim SS, Wong TY, Cheng CY. Prediction of systemic biomarkers from retinal photographs: development and validation of deep-learning algorithms. Lancet Digit Health. 2020 Oct;2(10):e526-e536 

Dr Emma Ran  (CUHK) 

  1. Bhatt S, Cohon A, Rose J, Majerczyk N, Cozzi B, Crenshaw D, et al. Interpretable Machine Learning Models for Clinical Decision-Making in a High-Need, Value-Based Primary Care Setting. NEJM Catalyst. 2021;2(4). 
  2. Tan TE, Anees A, Chen C, Li S, Xu X, Li Z, et al. Retinal photograph-based deep learning algorithms for myopia and a blockchain platform to facilitate artificial intelligence medical research: a retrospective multicohort study. Lancet Digit Health. 2021;3(5):e317-e29. 
  3. Campbell JP, Mathenge C, Cherwek H, Balaskas K, Pasquale LR, Keane PA, et al. Artificial Intelligence to Reduce Ocular Health Disparities: Moving From Concept to Implementation. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2021;10(3):19. 


Date : 16 Jul 2021 

Speaker(s) : Mr Yuancun Li李远存 (JSIEC), Ms Xulin Liao (CUHK) 

CUHK papers :  

Mr Yuancun Li李远存(JSIEC) 

  1. Wang J,  Li Y,  Musch DC, et al. Progression of Myopia in School-Aged Children After COVID-19 Home Confinement. JAMA Ophthalmol 2021 03 01;139(3) 

 Supplementary reading: 

  1. Xu L,  Ma Y,  Yuan J et al. COVID-19 Quarantine Reveals That Behavioral Changes Have an Effect on Myopia Progression. Ophthalmology. 2021Apr 14;
  2. Chang P,  Zhang B,  Lin L, et al. Comparison of Myopic Progression before, during, and after COVID-19 Lockdown. Ophthalmology. 2021 Mar 23; 

Ms Xulin Liao (CUHK) 

  1. Saldanha IJ, Petris R, Makara M, Channa P, Akpek EK Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on eye strain and dry eye symptoms. The Ocular Surface, 2021, In Press  
  2. Cennamo G, Reibaldi M, Montorio D, D’Andrea L, Fallico M, Triassi M. Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Features in Post-COVID-19 Pneumonia Patients – A Pilot Study Am J Ophthalmol. 2021 Jul;227:182-190. 

Date : 30 Jul 2021 

Speaker(s) : Mr Jinming Guo郭金铭(JSIEC), Ms Zhenji Chen (CUHK) 

CUHK papers :  

Mr Jinming Guo郭金铭(JSIEC) 

  1. Baker CW, et al. Effect of Initial Management With Aflibercept vs Laser Photocoagulation vs Observation on Vision Loss Among Patients With Diabetic Macular Edema Involving the Center of the Macula and Good Visual Acuity: A Randomized Clinical Trial . JAMA. 2019 May 21; 321(19): 1880–1894. 
  2. Antoszyk AW. et al. Effect of Intravitreous Aflibercept vs Vitrectomy With Panretinal Photocoagulation on Visual Acuity in Patients With Vitreous Hemorrhage From Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2020 Dec 15; 324(23): 2383–2395. 


Ms Zhenji Chen (CUHK) 

  1. Dugel P et al. HAWK and HARRIER: Phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Masked Trials of Brolucizumab for Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Ophthalmology 2020 Jan;127(1):72-84.  


Supplementary reading: 

  1. Dugel P et al. HAWK and HARRIER: Ninety-Six-Week Outcomes from the Phase 3 Trials of Brolucizumab for Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Ophthalmology 2021 Jan;128(1):89-99. 
  2. Dugel P et al. Brolucizumab Versus Aflibercept in Participants with Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Randomized Trial. Ophthalmology 2017 Sep;124(9):1296-1304 

Date : 11 Jun 2021 

Speaker(s) : Mr Yongran Li 李永然(JSIEC), Ms Kelly Yan  (CUHK) 

CUHK papers :  

Mr Yongran Li 李永然(JSIEC) 

  1. Moshkelgosha S, Verhasselt HL, Masetti G, Covelli D, Biscarini F, Horstmann M, Daser A, Westendorf AM, Jesenek C, Philipp S, Diaz-Cano S, Banga JP, Michael D, Plummer S, Marchesi J, Eckstein A, Ludgate M, Berchner-Pfannschmidt U; INDIGO consortium.  Modulating gut microbiota in a mouse model of Graves’ orbitopathy and its impact on induced disease. Microbiome (IF: 11.607; Q1). 2021 Feb 16;9(1):45. 
  2. Su X, Yin X, Liu Y, Yan X, Zhang S, Wang X, Lin Z, Zhou X, Gao J, Wang Z, Zhang Q. Gut Dysbiosis Contributes to the Imbalance of Treg and Th17 Cells in Graves’ Disease Patients by Propionic Acid. J Clin Endocrinol Metab (IF: 5.399; Q1). 2020 Nov 1;105(11):dgaa511. 
  3. Shi TT, Xin Z, Hua L, Wang H, Zhao RX, Yang YL, Xie RR, Liu HY, Yang JK. Comparative assessment of gut microbial composition and function in patients with Graves’ disease and Graves’ orbitopathy. J Endocrinol Invest (IF: 3.397; Q2). 2021 Feb;44(2):297-310. 


Ms Kelly Yan  (CUHK) 

  1. Diana T, Ponto KA, Kahaly GJ.  Thyrotropin receptor antibodies and Graves’ orbitopathy. J Endocrinol Invest (IF: 3.397; Q2). 2021 Apr;44(4):703-712.
  2. Krieger CC, Neumann S, Gershengorn MC. TSH/IGF1 receptor crosstalk: Mechanism and clinical implications. Pharmacol Ther (IF: 10.557; Q1). 2020 May;209:107502. 
  3.  Kahaly GJ, Douglas RS, Holt RJ, Sile S, Smith TJ. Teprotumumab for patients with active thyroid eye disease: a pooled data analysis, subgroup analyses, and off-treatment follow-up results from two randomised, double-masked, placebo-controlled, multicentre trials. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol (IF: 25.34; Q1). 2021 Jun;9(6):360-372. 


Date : 25 Jun 2021 

Speaker(s) : Ms Ke Zheng郑可 (JSIEC), Ms Ruyue Shen (CUHK) 

CUHK papers :  

Ms Ke Zheng郑可 (JSIEC) 

  1. Gazzard G,  Konstantakopoulou E,  Garway-Heath D et al. Selective laser trabeculoplasty versus eye drops for first-line treatment of ocular hypertension and glaucoma (LiGHT): a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2019 Apr 13;393(10180) (Q1, IF=60.39) 
  2. Garg A,  Vickerstaff V,  Nathwani  et al.  Efficacy of Repeat Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty in Medication-Naive Open-Angle Glaucoma and Ocular Hypertension during the LiGHT Trial. Ophthalmology 2020 04;127(4) (Q1, IF=8.47) 

Ms Ruyue Shen (CUHK) 

  1. Kiyota N, Shiga Y, Omodaka K, Pak K, Nakazawa T. Time-Course Changes in Optic Nerve Head Blood Flow and Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Eyes with Open-angle Glaucoma. American Academy of Ophthalmology
    2021 May;128(5):663-671 
  2. Mursch-Edlmayr AS, Bolz M, Strohmaier C. Vascular Aspects in Glaucoma: From Pathogenesis to Therapeutic Approaches. IJMS 2021;22,4662 

Date : 28 May 2021

Speaker(s) : Mr Clark Laiwen Lv呂来文(JSIEC), Dr Youjuan Zhang (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Mr Clark Laiwen Lv呂来文(JSIEC)

  1. Zhang XJ, Li EY, Leung CK, etal.  Willingness to pay for cataract surgery in baiyin district, northwestern China. Ophthalmic Epidemiol. 2021;28:205-12.
  2. Zhang XJ, Liang YB, Liu YP, etal. Implementation of a free cataract surgery program in rural China: a community-based randomized interventional study. Ophthalmology. 2013;120:260-5.
  3. He M, Chan V, Baruwa E, Gilbert D, Frick KD, Congdon N. Willingness to pay for cataract surgery in rural Southern China. Ophthalmology. 2007 ;114:411-6
  4. Mailu EW, Virendrakumar B, Bechange S, Jolley E, Schmidt E (2020) Factors associated with the uptake of cataract surgery and interventions to improve uptake in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review. PLoS ONE 15:e0235699
  5. Aboobaker S, Courtright P. Barriers to Cataract Surgery in Africa: A Systematic Review. Middle East Afr J Ophthalmol. 2016;23:145-9.
  6. Babiarz KS, Miller G, Yi H, Zhang L, Rozelle S. New evidence on the impact of China’s New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme and its implications for rural primary healthcare: multivariate difference-in-difference analysis. BMJ. 2010;341:c5617.

Supplementary reading:

GBD 2019 Blindness and Vision Impairment Collaborators; Vision Loss Expert Group of the Global Burden of Disease Study. Causes of blindness and vision impairment in 2020 and trends over 30 years, and prevalence of avoidable blindness in relation to VISION 2020: the Right to Sight: an analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study. Lancet Glob Health. 2021;9:e144-e160

Dr Youjuan Zhang (CUHK)

  1. Yuan N, Li J, Tang S, Li FF, Lee CO, Ng MPH, Cheung CY, Tham CC, Pang CP, Chen LJ, Yam JC. Association of Secondhand Smoking Exposure With Choroidal Thinning in Children Aged 6 to 8 Years: The Hong Kong Children Eye Study. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2019 Oct 17:1-9.
  2. Li J, Yuan N, Chu WK, Cheung CY, Tang SM, Li FF, Chen LJ, Kam KW, Young AL, Ip P, Tham CC, Pang CP, Yam JC. Exposure to Secondhand Smoke in School-age Children is Associated with a Thinner Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer: The Hong Kong Children Eye Study. Am J Ophthalmol. 2020 Oct 28:S0002-9394(20)30584-5.
  3. Turner S, Mackay D, Dick S, Semple S, Pell JP. Associations between a smoke-free homes intervention and childhood admissions to hospital in Scotland: an interrupted time-series analysis of whole-population data. Lancet Public Health. 2020 Sep;5(9):e493-e500.

Date : 14 May 2021

Speaker(s) : Ms Lifang Liu刘丽芳(JSIEC), Ms Zihan Sun (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 


Ms Lifang Liu刘丽芳(JSIEC)

  1. Van Hove I, De Groef L, Boeckx B, Modave E, Hu TT, Beets K, Etienne I, Van Bergen T, Lambrechts D, Moons L, Feyen JHM, Porcu M. Single-cell transcriptome analysis of the Akimba mouse retina reveals cell-type-specific insights into the pathobiology of diabetic retinopathy. Diabetologia. 2020 Oct;63(10):2235-2248. PMID: 32734440.

Ms Zihan Sun (CUHK)

  1. Aiello LP, Odia I, Glassman AR, Melia M, Jampol LM, Bressler NM, Kiss S, Silva PS, Wykoff CC, Sun JK; Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network. Comparison of Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Standard 7-Field Imaging With Ultrawide-Field Imaging for Determining Severity of Diabetic Retinopathy. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2019 Jan 1;137(1):65-73.
  2. Ashraf M, Sampani K, Rageh A, Silva PS, Aiello LP, Sun JK. Interaction Between the Distribution of Diabetic Retinopathy Lesions and the Association of Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography Scans With Diabetic Retinopathy Severity. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2020 Dec 1;138(12):1291-1297.

Date : 30 Apr 2021

Speaker(s) : Dr Youming Zhou周幼明(JSIEC), Dr Yumeng Wang (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 


Dr Youming Zhou周幼明(JSIEC)


  1. Mutti DO, Sinnott LT, Reuter KS, Walker MK, Berntsen DA, Jones-Jordan LA, Walline JJ, (BLINK) Study Group. Peripheral Refraction and Eye Lengths in Myopic Children in the Bifocal Lenses in nearsighted kids (BLINK) Study. TVST 2019;8.
  2. Walline JJ, Walker MK, Mutti DO, Jones-Jordan LA, Sinnott LT, Giannoni AG, Bickle KM, Schulle KL, Nixin A, Pierce GE, Berntsen DA, (BLINK) Study Group. Effect of High Add Power, Medium Add Power, or Single-Vision Contact Lenses onMyopia Progression in Children. The BLINK Randomized Clinical Trial JAMA 2020;3224,571-580.

Dr Yumeng Wang (CUHK)

  1. Jiang X, Tarczy-Hornoch K, Cotter SA, Matsumura S, Mitchell P, Rose KA, Katz J, Saw SM, Varma R; POPEYEConsortium. Association of Parental Myopia With Higher Risk of Myopia Among Multiethnic Children Before School Age.  JAMA Ophthalmol. 2020 May 1;138(5):501-509
  2. Tang SM, Kam KW, French AN, Yu M, Chen LJ, Young AL, Rose KA, Tham CC, Pang CP, Yam JC. Independent Influence of Parental Myopia on Childhood Myopia in a Dose-Related Manner in 2,055 Trios: The Hong Kong Children Eye Study. Am J Ophthalmol. 2020 Oct;218:199-207.

Date : 16 Apr 2021

Speaker(s) : Dr Aidi Ling凌方一 (JSIEC), Dr Danny Ng (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 


Dr Aidi Ling凌方一 (JSIEC)

  1. Peng KL, Kung YH, Hsu CM, Chang SP, Tseng PL, Wu TT. Surgical outcomes of centripetal non-fovea-sparing internal limiting membrane peeling for myopic foveoschisis with and without foveal detachment: a follow-up of at least 3 years. Br J Ophthalmol. 2020 Sep;104:1266-1270.
  2. Vogt D, Stefanov S, Guenther SR, Hagenau F, Wolf A, Priglinger SG, Schumann RG. Comparison of Vitreomacular Interface Changes in Myopic Foveoschisis and Idiopathic Epiretinal Membrane Foveoschisis. Am J Ophthalmol. 2020 Sep;217:152-161.


Dr Danny Ng (CUHK)

Chu Z, Weinstein JE, Wang RK, Pepple KL. Quantitative Analysis of the Choriocapillaris in Uveitis Using En Face Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography. Am J Ophthalmol. 2020 Oct;218:17-27.

Supplementary reading:

  1. Tummala GC, Chu Z, Weinstein JE, Wang RK, Pepple KL. Swept source OCTA reveals a link between choriocapillaris blood flow and vision loss in a case of tubercular serpiginous-like choroiditis. Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep. 2021 Jan;21:101018.
  2. Chu Z, Gregori G, Rosenfeld PJ, Wang RK. Quantification of Choriocapillaris with Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography: A Comparison Study. Am J Ophthalmol. 2019 Dec;208:111-123.

Date : 26 Mar 2021

Speaker(s) : Dr Zixuan Xiao肖子轩(JSIEC) , Ms Ziqi Tang (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Dr Zixuan Xiao肖子轩(JSIEC)

1. Lim LS, Lim XH, Tan L. Retinal vascular oxygen saturation and its variation with refractive error and axial length. Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2019;8:22.

2. Blair NP, Wanek J, Felder AE, Joslin CE, Kresovich JK, Lim JI, Chau FY, Leiderman Y, Shahidi M. Retinal oximetry and vessel diameter measurements with a commercially available scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope in diabetic retinopathy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017;58:5556-5563.

3. Rahimi M, Leahy S, Matei N, Blair NP, Jeong S, Craft CM, Shahidi M. Assessment of inner retinal oxygen metrics and thickness in a mouse model of inherited retinal degeneration. Exp Eye Res. 2021;205:108480.
Supplementary reading:

4. Stefánsson E, Olafsdottir OB, Eliasdottir TS, Vehmeijer W, Retinal oximetry: Metabolic imaging for diseases of the retina and brain. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2019;70:1-22.

Ms Ziqi Tang (CUHK)

1. Roberts PK, Vogl WD, Gerendas BS, Glassman AR, Bogunovic H, Jampol LM, Schmidt-Erfurth UM. Quantification of fluid resolution and visual acuity gain in patients with diabetic macular edema using Deep Learning: a post hoc analysis of a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2020;138:945-953.

2.Schlegl T, Waldstein SM, Bogunovic H, Endstraßer F, Sadeghipour A, Philip AM, Podkowinski D, Gerendas BS, Langs G,

Date : 12 Mar 2021

Speaker(s) : Mr Junren He 何俊仁 (JSIEC) , Dr Yan Li (JSIEC) , Ms Xulin Liao (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Mr Junren He 何俊仁 (JSIEC) , Dr Yan Li (JSIEC)

1.Ding J Effects of Insulin and High Glucose on Human Meibomian Gland Epithelial Cells. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2015;56:7814-20.

2.Yang S Comparative influence of differentiation and proliferation on gene expression in human meibomian gland epithelial cells. Exp Eye Res. 2021;205:108452.

3.Kim SW PPARγ regulates meibocyte differentiation and lipid synthesis of cultured human meibomian gland epithelial cells (hMGEC). Ocul Surf. 2018 ;16:463-9.

Ms Xulin Liao (CUHK)

1. Dream Study. n–3 Fatty Acid Supplementation for the Treatment of Dry Eye Disease. New Engl J Med 2018;378:1681-90.

2. Daniel E Grading and baseline characteristics of meibomian glands in meibography images and their clinical associations in the Dry Eye Assessment and Management (DREAM) study. Ocul Surf 2019;17:491-501.

3. Daniel E Association of meibomian gland morphology with symptoms and signs of dry eye disease in the Dry Eye Assessment and Management (DREAM) study. Ocul Surf 2020;18:761-9.

Date : 26 Feb 2021

Speaker(s) : Prof Haoyu Chen(JSIEC) , Ms Fang Deng 邓芳 (JSIEC) , Dr Guy LJ Chen (CUHK) , Ms Zhenji Chen (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Prof Haoyu Chen(JSIEC) , Ms Fang Deng 邓芳 (JSIEC)


1. Shan K, Liu C, Liu BH, Chen X, Dong R, Liu X, Zhang YY, Liu B, Zhang SJ, Wang JJ, Zhang SH, Wu JH, Zhao C, Yan B. Circular Noncoding RNA HIPK3 Mediates Retinal Vascular Dysfunction in Diabetes Mellitus. Circulation. 2017 Oct 24;136(17):1629-1642.

2. Jiang Q, Su DY, Wang ZZ, Liu C, Sun YN, Cheng H, Li XM, Yan B. Retina as a window to cerebral dysfunction following studies with circRNA signature during neurodegeneration. Theranostics. 2021 Jan 1;11(4):1814-1827.

3. Liu C, Ge HM, Liu BH, Dong R, Shan K, Chen X, Yao MD, Li XM, Yao J, Zhou RM, Zhang SJ, Jiang Q, Zhao C, Yan B. Targeting pericyte-endothelial cell crosstalk by circular RNA-cPWWP2A inhibition aggravates diabetes-induced microvascular dysfunction. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2019 Apr 9;116(15):7455-7464

Dr Guy LJ Chen (CUHK) , Ms Zhenji Chen (CUHK)


Park J, Lucas AM, Zhang X, Chaudhary K, Cho JH, Nadkarni G, Dobbyn A, Chittoor G, Josyula NS, Katz N, Breeyear JH, Ahmadmehrabi S, Drivas TG, Chavali VRM, Fasolino M, Sawada H, Daugherty

A, Li Y, Zhang C, Bradford Y, Weaver J, Verma A, Judy RL, Kember RL, Overton JD, Reid JG, Ferreira MAR, Li AH, Baras A, LeMaire SA, Shen YH, Naji A, Kaestner KH, Vahedi G, Edwards TL, Chen J, Damrauer SM, Justice AE, Do R, Ritchie MD, Rader DJ. Exome-wide evaluation of rare coding variants using electronic health records identifies new gene-phenotype associations. Nat Med. 2021 Jan;27(1):66-72

Date : 21 Jan 2021

Speaker(s) : Dr LP Cen (JSIEC) , Dr Ji Wang 汪佶 (JSIEC) , Prof Jie Ji (JSIEC) , Dr Poemen Chan (CUHK) , Dr Thomas Lam (CUHK) , Ms Rueyu Shen (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Dr LP Cen (JSIEC) , Dr Ji Wang 汪佶 (JSIEC) , Prof Jie Ji (JSIEC)

Artificial intelligence

Fu H, Xu Y, Lin S, Wong DWK, Baskaran M, Mahesh M, Aung T, Liu J. Angle-Closure Detection in Anterior Segment OCT Based on Multilevel Deep Network. IEEE Trans Cybern. 2020 Jul;50(7):3358-3366.

Dr Poemen Chan (CUHK) , Dr Thomas Lam (CUHK) , Ms Rueyu Shen (CUHK)

AI and Glaucoma

Wang M, Shen LQ, Pasquale LR, Boland MV, Wellik SR, De Moraes CG, Myers JS, Nguyen TD, Ritch R, Ramulu P, Wang H, Tichelaar J, Li D, Bex PJ, Elze T. Artificial Intelligence Classification of Central Visual Field Patterns in Glaucoma. Ophthalmology. 2020 Jun;127(6):731-738.

Date : 15 Jan 2021

Speaker(s) : Ms Xiangling Evelyn Yuan 袁湘玲 (JSIEC) , Dr Shiyao Lu (CUHK)

CUHK papers : 

Ms Xiangling Evelyn Yuan 袁湘玲 (JSIEC)


Lu Y, Brommer B, Tian X, Krishnan A, Meer M, Wang C Reprogramming to recover youthful epigenetic information and restore vision. Nature. 2020 Dec;588(7836):124-129.

Dr Shiyao Lu (CUHK)


Johansson PA, Brooks K, Newell F, Palmer JM, Wilmott JS, Pritchard AL, Whole genome landscapes of uveal melanoma show an ultraviolet radiation signature in iris tumours. Nat Commun. 2020 May 15;11(1):2408