• on 18/07/2023

CUHK-JSIEC-Osaka University Research Day

The Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences (DOVS) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) hosted the ″CUHK-JSIEC-Osaka University Research Day″ on 18 July 2023 after a 5-year break.  The ″CUHK-JSIEC-Osaka University Research Day″ was started in 2012 and has been held every one or two years, alternatively in Osaka and Hong Kong.  This year the event was attended by delegations from the Graduate School of Medicine, Osaka University, led by Prof Motokazu TSUJIKAWA and Dr Shigeru SATO and the Joint Shantou International Eye Center of Shantou University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (JSIEC) led by Prof CHEN Haoyu and Prof Michael TK NG.  DOVS Professors and research teams, including Prof Clement CY THAM, Prof Calvin CP PANG, Prof Guy LJ CHEN, Dr Mårten E BRELÉN, Dr Jason CS YAM and Dr CHU Wai Kit, hosted the event.  It was a great time to share knowledge, insights and collaborative plans in ophthalmology and visual sciences among CUHK, JSIEC and Osaka University.

The Osaka team began their visit to DOVS with a tour of the Department′s research, training, and clinical facilities at the Hong Kong Eye Hospital.  During the tour, they learnt about the latest updates of the research and clinical infrastructure at DOVS.

The Research Day was divided into four sessions, each one dedicated to exploring different aspects of ophthalmic research: diabetic retinal diseases, ocular disease models and mechanisms, eye genetics, and artificial intelligence.  Each session effectively fostered productive academic interaction and prompted meaningful exchanges among participants.

The Research Day was concluded with discussions about collaborative projects and to strengthen partnerships among CUHK, JSIEC and Osaka University.  We look forward to fruitful collaborations in the near future.

(From left) Prof Michael TK NG, Dr Jason CS YAM, Dr CHU Wai Kit, Dr Shigeru SATO, Prof Motokazu TSUJIKAWA, Prof Clement CY THAM, Prof Calvin CP PANG, Prof CHEN Haoyu, Dr Mårten E BRELÉN, Ms Pancy OS TAM, Ms Fanny SF CHAN


The CUHK-JSIEC-Osaka University Research Day, 18 July 2023 at the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


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CUHK-JSIEC-Osaka University Research Day